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Поздравление дедушке

Поздравление дедушке

С Днём Защитника поздравлю, Без вниманья его не оставлю. Дедуля у меня всегда герой, Хотя уже..

Сценарий 23 февраля в школе

Сценарий 23 февраля в школе

В скором времени нам предстоит отмечать 23 февраля – День защитника Отечества. ..

Ожирение печени

Ожирение печени

Жизнедеятельность печени может нарушаться вследствие неблагоприятного воздействия различных..

Топики на английском для школьников "Climate in the USA" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  The USA is the fourth largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada and China. Including the states of Alaska and Hawaii, the US covers an area of 9 millions square km.   I am going to tell you about the climate in the USA. The United States has many kinds of climate. The weather ranges from the warm, wet conditions of the Appalachians to the semi-desert or desert conditions in some of the

Топики на английском для школьников "Government" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  Moscow is governed by a City Soviet (City Council) of about 500 deputies elected to five-year terms. Each deputy represents an election district called a ward.   Before 1990, only one candidate ran for election in each ward. The candidate was elected unless most voters crossed his or her name off the ballot. In the March 1990 city election, two or three candidates could run for each position on the

Топики на английском для школьников "Global Warming" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth's surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer.    Each time we burn gasoline, oil, coal, or even natural gas, more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the

Топики на английском для школьников "Why do We Learn English" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

    People began to speak many centuries ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages. Every language reflects the soul, behaviour and temperament of each nationality. Peoples created their own alphabets and rules, but they always wanted to communicate with each other, to understand and to know more about each other. Languages help people to understand each other better, they help them

Топики на английском для школьников "Varieties of English" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  As English has spread, so has it changed, and there are now several recognised varieties of English. While the English spoken in Britain's former "white" colonies — the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — is still very similar to British English, and differs from it only in matters of vocabulary and phraseology, the English spoken in the West Indies and in countries such as

Топики на английском для школьников "The History of English" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

    When the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain in the 5th century AD, they brought with them their language: 'English' or, as we call it now, Old English. Examples of Old English words are: sheep, dog, work, field, earth, the, is, you.  Two hundred years later, when St. Augustine brought Christianity to Britain in the 7th century, hundreds of Latin and Greek words were adapted into Old English: words

Топики на английском для школьников "Dialogue" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

    QUESTIONS AND TASKS 1. Which is more useful to you - British or American English? Work in pairs and say why. 2. Read the dialogue and find the differences between the English and the American languages. American 'Bill'. A 'bill' is paper money. You have a 'dollar bill', a 'five-dollar bill' and so on. Englishman Right. We call that a 'bank note'. 'Trousers' are an item of clothing. American Oh. I

Топики на английском для школьников "Television in Our life" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages.   But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less

Топики на английском для школьников "Computers in my life" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

  Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are computer literate. Computer studies is a subject in many schools and many young people have personal computers. About one in three hundred computer owners spend almost all their time using computers.   Ninety six per cent of them are males of all ages. All of them spend an average of twenty

Топики на английском для школьников "Famous Landmarks: the Kremlin" 14 авг

Топики на английском для школьников

    At the heart of the city stands the Kremlin. This old fortress was the centre of the Soviet Union's government until that nation was dissolved in 1991. Since then, it has been the centre of the Russian government. Inside its walls, which extend almost 11.2 miles (2.4 kilometres), are beautiful cathedrals and palaces, as well as government buildings. Some of the cathedrals date from the 1400*8. Many

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