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Поздравление на день рожденье 6 лет "Смышлёный озорник"

Поздравление на день рожденье 6 лет

  Шаловливый и смышленый, Озорной мой человек, Ты такой еще ребенок, Ведь тебе всего 6 лет!..

Организация походов с детьми

Организация походов с детьми

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Сказки на английском языке. Крошечка-Хаврошечка «WEE LITTLE HAVROSHECHKA»

Сказки на английском языке. Крошечка-Хаврошечка «WEE LITTLE HAVROSHECHKA»

    There are good people in the world and some who are not so good. There are also people who..

» » » Топики на английском. Мой распорядок дня. «My Daily Routine»

Топики на английском. Мой распорядок дня. «My Daily Routine»

18 фев
As a rule, I get up at half past six. I put on my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio. 

I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee; I read my newspaper with my last cup of coffee before I leave home.


My Daily Routine

Then, I say "Good-bye" to my mother, take my school-bag and go to school. I don't live far from my school, so it doesn't take me long to get there. The lessons start at half past eight. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. The classes are over at two o'clock.

I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy foodstuffs for the family. Coming back I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have supper at seven. I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lessons.

In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour at the piano. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema or to the theatre. Once or twice a month, I visit exhibitions in my home town.

I go to bed at about eleven o'clock, but my parents like to sit up late and write letters or read.

Ключевые теги новости: топики, английский язык

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